The library is open! Hours: 7:00-3:00.
Want to visit during lunch or study hall? Don't forget to get a digital pass and a pink LMC pass from your study hall teacher.

This week in the maker space: Make a custom valentine magnet. Image of magnets.

Sign that says cell phones may only be used for listening to music

This week in the maker space: Make a custom valentine magnet. Image of magnets.

Did you know there's a digital edition of The Buzz? Get instant access to up-to-the-minute FM news!
Sign in with Google OR the password "empirelink." Need NY Times content from before 1985? Check out ProQuest under the "Research" tab.
NOVEL NY: Resources in this portal are available to all New Yorkers without a password as long as one is in New York State, via a NY driver or non-driver ID if not currently in New York State and/or via a Library Card.
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Collaborative Learning Spaces
Check out your next book from the stacks or grab it digitally from Destiny Discover.

Legos? Buttons? Beaded bracelets? Origami?? What will you make?
Relax with a book, listen to a podcast, collaborate with a group.

Let's collaborate! Let us know how we can help you and join us in the LMC.
Flexible walls for quiet study, meetings, or collaboration.