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ABC-CLIO: American Government

American Government provides a complete, multifaceted examination of the foundations of our government and political system that supports any curriculum or research project focused on the government of the United States.

Username: manliushs

Password: manliushs

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ABC-CLIO American History

American History surveys American history from the colonial era and American Revolution through to the nation's rise to eminence as a global superpower, analyzing American political conflict, economic development, and changing culture and thought as they tell one continuous and continuing story of America's history.

Username: manliushs

Password: manliushs

ABC-CLIO World History Ancient and Medieval Eras

Explores ancient civilizations, dynasties, and empires and profiles city-states, countries, and regions of the ancient and medieval world, providing a dynamic learning experience that encompasses intellectual developments, wars and cooperation, religion, cultural practices, and more from prehistory through to the beginning of the Renaissance.

Username: manliushs

Password: manliushs

ABC-CLIO: World History The Modern Era

Provides for comprehensive study of the emergence of the modern world, covering the history of the world from 1500 to the present.

Username: manliushs

Password: manliushs

Britannica: Original Sources

Thousands of primary source documents in history, literature, science, law, politics, religion, and more!

Username: fayemhs

Password: learn

Britannica School

With every search topic producing a wide variety of trusted, multi-media sources, use Britannica School to build essential information literacy skills.


Note: Click "Use My Location" when prompted.

Username: fayemhs

Password: learn

Britannica: Science and Social Studies LaunchPacks

Did your teacher create a Launchpack for your Social Studies or Science class? Click here to access it!

Username: fayemhs

Password: learn

CQ Press 

Provides award winning in-depth coverage of the most important issues of the day. Reports are written by experienced journalists, footnoted and professionally fact-checked. Full-length articles include an overview, historical background, chronology, pro/con feature, plus resources for additional research.

Username: fayette

Password: manlius

EBSCO HOST: APA  PsychArticles   

This esteemed collection from American Psychological Association (APA) provides access to the full spectrum of study in the field — including cutting-edge research from preeminent scholars, to the historical underpinnings of the behavioral and social sciences.

Username: faymanhs                                                        Remote login: llmalite

Password: hornets!21                                               Remote password: SSNY19374

Gale: High School in Context

A source for news and periodical articles on a wide range of topics: business, computers, current events, economics, education, environmental issues, health care, hobbies, humanities, law, literature and art, politics, science, social science, sports, technology, and many general interest topics.

No username needed 

Password: empirelink

Gale: Global Issues in Context

Designed to support global awareness, Global Issues In Context ties together authoritative content that enables students to critically analyze and understand the most important issues of the modern world. Integrating news, global viewpoints, reference materials, country information, primary source documents, videos, statistics, and more in a single search, Global Issues In Context is updated daily and offers 250 Country topic pages and more than 400 Issue pages.

No username needed 

Password: empirelink

Gale: Opposing Viewpoints

Gale In Context: Opposing Viewpoints is the premier online resource covering today's hottest social issues. This a esource includes viewpoints, reference articles, infographics, news, images, video, audio, and more. 

Sign in on Novel NY

No username needed 

Password: empirelink

Gale: U.S. History in Context

Provides a complete overview of our nation’s past and covers the most-studied events, decades, conflicts, wars, political and cultural movements, and people.

No username needed 

Password: empirelink

Gale: World History in Context

Provides an overview of world history that covers the most-studied events, periods, cultures, civilizations, religions, conflicts, wars, ideologies, cultural movements, and people.

No username needed 

Password: empirelink


Provides access to more than 12 million academic journal articles, books, and primary sources in 75 disciplines.

When accessing JSTOR at home or on a mobile device use the following credentials:

Username: fmschool                 Note: You may need to sign in with Google and      Password: hornets                     register. Choose the option to stay logged on.


NewsBank provides a comprehensive collection of reliable news sources covering a wide array of topics and issues.

Username: ra-12303

Password: ra-12303

Newsbank: Access World News

Access World News provides an international, national, regional, and local news from over 13,000 sources and more than 200 countries and territories: it supports a diverse range of research needs across many subject areas.

Username: ra-12303

Password: ra-12303


Newsbank: Black Life in America

Comprehensive coverage of the African American experience from the early 18th century to the present day, sourced from more than 19,000 American and global news sources, including over 400 current and historical Black publications

Username: ra-12303

Password: ra-12303

Newsbank: Hispanic Life in America

Comprehensive coverage of the Hispanic American experience from the early 18th century to the present day, sources from more than 17,000  publications, including 700 Spanish language newspapers and periodicals. 

Username: ra-12303

Password: ra-12303

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Oxford English Dictionary

The OED is the definitive record of the English language, featuring 600000 words, 3 million quotations, and over 1000 years of English.

Username: fmlibrary

Password: fmlibrary



ProQuest databases provides a single source for scholarly journals, newspapers, reports, working papers, and datasets along with millions of pages of digitized historical primary sources and more than 450,000 ebooks.

Username: FMHShornets

Password: Hornets#1


ProQuest Statistical Abstract of the United States

This database offers a comprehensive collection of statistics on the social, political, and economic conditions of the United States, it is a snapshot of America and its people.

Username: 06-15074REMOTE

Password: big chalk

ProQuest Statistical Insight, formerly called LexisNexis Statistical, is a bibliographic database that indexes and abstracts the statistical content of selected United States government publications, state government publications, business and association publications, and intergovernmental publications.

Username: 06-15074REMOTE

Password: big chalk


Teen Health & Wellness

Topics include diseases, drugs, alcohol, nutrition, mental health, suicide, bullying, green living, and more.

Username: manlius

Password: library

How to use Noodletools


Taking a SUPA class?  You also have access to SU databases! 

To get started, you will need to set up a net ID using your SUID #. (When entering the numbers, you may need to add a "0" at the end in order to have 9 digits.) 

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